Helen Day Building

Stowe, Vermont

Arnold & Scangas Architects worked with the Town of Stowe to develop a comprehensive plan for the maintenance and long-term care of this historic landmark building in the Village of Stowe. A detailed diagnostic building survey was completed to assess the current state of the building and determine items that needed immediate attention and long-term goals for continued maintenance and preservation.

During Phase 1 of the renovations, attention was directed towards greater energy efficiency with window replacement, air sealing and insulation upgrades. Also, many of the original exterior wood siding components had began to fail and required replacement. A public restroom was also renovated. For Phase 2 the entry porch columns that were rotting were replaced and railings along the top and bottom of the porch were replaced. Low maintenance materials were chosen to minimize long-term costs to the town. Phase 3 involved upgrading and replacing interior finishes, and mechanical and electrical improvements to complete the project and provide the Town of Stowe with an energy efficient, healthy and comfortable public building while reducing long-term maintenance costs.